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Brief History : This Parish is dedicated to St. Tomas. This parish was a sub- station to Sacred Heart Cathedral. On September 1st 2008 this was bifurcated from the Cathedral and made as an independent Parish. Rev. Fr. A. Denis was the first Parish Priest. This parish has 190 families.


Brief History : The new parish at Parli was a substation of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Kundah. It was on 21st June 1987 that Parli was divided from Kundah and made a separate parish. Fr. Roland Lefevre became the first parish priest of St. Thomas Church, Parli, while Mulli was his residence. The place is mostly inhabited by the tribes called Irulas. The FMM sisters by their social and medical service brought some of them to the Christian faith. A dispensary was opened in 1968 at Mulli to render medical service mainly to the Irulas. Later it grew into a small hospital managed by the F.M.M. Sisters.


Brief History : Kundah had been for a long time a substation of St. Theresa’s Parish, Selas and later of St. Antony’s Parish, Lovedale. In April 1963 it was made a separate parish with Fr. Roland Lefevre as its parish priest. This parish was created especially for those who were employed in the Kundah Hydro-Electric Project. The place is inhabited by the Badagas.


Brief History : The parish of Ithalar was erected in 1957 and Emerald was a part of Ithalar. Fr. Humberto D’Souza was its first parish priest. After the remodeling and extension of the chapel at Emerald it was made a separate parish in 1987.


Brief History : The new parish of St. Theresa’s, Nanjanad, was divided from St. Mary’s Parish, Ooty on the 7th of July 1985. The F.M.M sisters are running a Mercy Home for the handicaps, mentally retarded and the old. This parish is dedicated to Little Flower of Child Jesus. On 29th July 1994 the chapel at Nanjanad was blessed and inaugurated.


Brief History : Kothumudi was a substation of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Ooty. The foundation stone for the church was laid on 5th January 1967 and the church was blessed and opened on 28th January 1968. On 19.06.1982 St. Antony’s Parish was bifurcated from Sacred Heart Cathedral and made a new parish.

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