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Bishop’s Message

The diocese of Ootacamund, which from its inception is steadily marching towards its goal of building the people of God in faith, hope and charity. The diocese of Ootacamund came into being by the Apostolic Constitution Nuntiatur in Psalmis of Pope Pius XII, which was promulgated on 3rd July, 1955. It came into being by partition from the mother diocese-Mysore, of which it had been a part from 1941-1955. The diocese covers an area of 7,312 sq. kms, comprising the whole of the Nilgiris district and a part of Erode district which lies to the north of river Bhavani, and has a population numbering 20,60,445 of which 90,864 are Catholics and 20,235 are Christians from other denominations. The strength of the diocese lies in the growing number of committed priests and religious and also the growing number of the enlightened laity. In order to sustain the unity and collaboration among the diocesan units, it was a felt need of the diocese that the new Directory should be published. As our diocese has reached 60 years of its existence, it is the opportune moment to release
the newly edited and compiled Directory of the diocese.
“How very good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Reflecting the Word of God and in order to facilitate this united effort, the publication committee has drawn the needed information and data from the parishes and religious concerning the various ministries they render to the diocese.
The present Directory is organized and prepared well by the publication committee. Indeed I am overwhelmed and grateful to all our priests and religious who contributed to mould this Diocesan Directory. I do appreciate and thank Rev. Fr S. Vincent Paul and Rev. Fr S. John Britto Yesu Raj (Allwyn) and their team for compiling, editing and publishing this Directory. I wholeheartedly thank Dr P.C. Thomas, the Principal, Good Shepherd International School, Udhagamandalam for his financial support towards the same. May this Directory enable all of us to join hands and proclaim the Good News of Christ with one voice.
May I extend my most cordial blessings and assurance of my prayers to all of you.
May God bless you.
23th May, 2019
Most Rev. Dr. A. Amalraj
Bishop of Ootacamund
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