Brief History: St Mary’s parish, Talavady was part of St John Baptist’s parish Doddagajanur. The present church was built in 1974 by Rev. Fr P.J. Joseph and it became an independent parish in 1977. Its first parish priest was
Rev. Fr Joseph Puthiaparampil MSFS.
Address : St Mary’s Church, Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-245222
Established : 1977
Catholics : 550
Sub-Stations : 1. Our Lady of Lourdes’ Church, Gumtapura
2. St Sebastian’s Church, T.Hosur
3. St Antony’s Church, Ramapura
4. St Mary’s Church, Chickahalli
Religious : 1. Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate
2. Salesians of Don Bosco
Vocations : Male:1; Female:Nil
Institutions : 1. Assisi Hospital, Talavady
2. Don Bosco Non-informal Techincal Centre, Talavady
3. USSS Kolping Centre, Talavady

Brief History: In 1962, it became an independent parish, which was until then a sub-station of St John Baptist’s parish, Doddagajanur. Rev. Fr P. D’Mello SJ was the first parish priest. The church was built by Rev. Fr Abraham uttilampel in 1967. Blessing of the newly erected altar and portico took place in 2004.
Address : St Thomas’ Church, Mudianur, Doddapura P.O.
Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-291050
Established : 1962
Catholics : 420
Sub-Stations : Sacred Heart Church, Doddapura
Religious : Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
Vocations : Male:3; Female:5
Institutions :
1. Christu Nivasa Dispensary, Doddapura
2. R.C. Aided Primary School, Mudianur

Brief History: Around the year 1925, Rev. Fr Petit planned the foundation of a new centre for evangelization at Doddagajanur among the Kannada speaking farmers. In 1931, the church was built by Franciscan Brothers. In 1934, it became a separate pariash. Rev. Fr Joseph Koovakal laboured tirelessly for putting up a beautiful church in 1980.
Address : St John the Baptist’s Church, Doddagajanur
Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-245319
Established : 1931
Catholics : 480
Sub-Stations : Infant Jesus Church, Dharmapuram
Religious :
1. Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate
2. Servants of Charity (Guanellians)
3. Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes
Vocations : Male:2; Female:2
Institutions :
1. Assisi Karunalaya Home for the Aged, Buthikatai
2. Don Bosco Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Doddagajanur
3. Home for the Mentally Challenged, Doddagajanur
4. R.C. Aided Primary School, Doddagajanur
5. Sirumalar USSS Branch, Buthikatai
6. St Joseph’s Dispensary, Doddagajanur

Brief History: Till 1951, Soosaipuram was a sub-station of Doddagajanur.
The founder of the parish was Rev. Fr Nouet. In 1963, it was erected as a separate parish. The new church was built by Rev. Fr Mathew Vakayil and blessed in 1967. The only tamil parish in Talavady Vicariate is Soosaipuram. The sanctuary was renovated in 2008. A beautiful grotto of Mother Mary was built in 2011.
Address : St Joseph’s Church, Soosaipuram
Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-295278
Established : 1963
Catholics : 2500
Sub-Stations :
1. Church of the Risen Lord, Karalavadi
2. Our Lady of Rosary Church, Mariapuram
Religious : Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
Vocations : Male:2; Female:1
Institutions :
1. Asha Kendra CFI Centre, Soosaipuram
2. R.C. Primary School, Mariapuram
3. R.C. Primary School, Soosaipuram
4. St Joseph’s Higher Secondary School, Soosaipuram
5. St Joseph’s Home for Children, Soosaipuram
6. St Joseph’s Dispensary, Soosaipuram

Brief History: Metalavadi was a sub-station of St Joseph’s parish, Soosaipuram. Rev. Fr Mathew Vakkayil was responsible for the construction of the church in 1971. It became a separate parish in 1977 with Rev. Fr Abraham Kuttilambil as its first parish priest
Address : Sacred Heart Church, Metalavadi, Aralavadi P.O.
Via-Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-245498
Established : 1977
Catholics : 350
Sub-Stations : Holy Family Church, Aralavadi
Religious : Sisters of the Holy Cross Menzigen
Vocations : Male:2; Female:Nil
Institutions : Holy Cross Dispensary, Metalavadi

Brief History: Teganare was a sub-station of St Joseph’s parish Soosaipuram
until 1968. This was made a separate parish and the patron of this parish was St Martin de Pores. Rev. Fr E.G. Mathew was first parish priest. The new
church was built by Rev. Fr R.C. Devaraj in 1976. In 1977 it was dedicated to
Annai Velankanni.
Address : Annai Velankanni Church, Teganare
Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-291346
Established : 1968
Catholics : 450
Sub-Stations : Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Eraganahally
Religious : Sisters of St Ann of Providence
Vocations : Male:2; Female:Nil
Institutions :
1. Enrichetta Health Centre, Teganare
2. St Ann Primary School, Teganare
3. St Ann High School, Teganare

Brief History: This was a sub-station of St Antony’s parish, Panakahalli. In 1977, Jora Hosur was made a parish but later on Chimitahalli was erected into a parish and Jora Hosur its sub-station. The church was built by Rev. Fr Thomas Maniangat.
Address : Holy Cross Church, Chimitahalli
Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-247142
Established : 1977
Catholics : 400
Sub-Stations : Our Lady of Lourdes’ Church, Jora Hosur
Religious : Sisters of St Aloysius of Gonzaga
Vocations : Male:2; Female:2
Institutions : St Aloysius Tailoring Centre, Chimitahalli

Brief History : Panakahalli was a sub-station of Soosaipuram, started by
Rev. Fr P. D’Mello in 1968. It was made a separate parish with Rev. Fr James
Melvattam as its first parish priest in 1968. He built the present church.
Address : St Antony’s Church, Panakahalli
Talavady-638 461, Erode Dt
Telephone : 04295-247040
Established : 1968
Catholics : 665
Sub-Stations : 1. Infant Jesus Church, Pode
2. St Theresa’s Church, Gettavadi
3. St Thomas’ Church, Mudugare
Religious :
1. Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
2. Servants of Mary
Vocations : Male:2; Female:1
Institutions : 1. Adoration Monastery, Panakahalli
2. Maria Deepthi Matriculation School, Panakahalli
3. Maria Deepthi Dispensary, Panakahalli